How to write clean code?

As a coder, it is important to follow best coding practices in order to write clean, efficient, and maintainable code. By doing so, you can not only improve the quality of your own work, but also make it easier for other coders to understand and collaborate on your projects. Here are some of the best coding practices that every coder should follow:

  1. Write readable and well-structured code: Code that is easy to read and understand is more maintainable in the long run. Use meaningful variable and function names, and format your code consistently to make it easier to read.

  2. Write comments: Comments are an important part of your code, as they provide additional information and context that is not always obvious from the code itself. Use comments to explain why you are doing something, rather than just what you are doing.

  3. Avoid code duplication: Duplicated code is harder to maintain and can lead to inconsistencies and bugs. Instead of duplicating code, try to use functions and modules to reuse code where possible.

  4. Refactor your code: As you continue to work on your project, you may find that certain parts of your code are no longer efficient or maintainable. In these cases, it is important to refactor your code to improve its structure and organization. This can involve things like extracting functions, renaming variables, or restructuring your code to make it more modular.

  5. Test your code: Testing is an essential part of the development process, as it helps you to ensure that your code is working as intended. Test your code as often as possible and try to account for all scenarios that an end-user may try.

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