Coding Books for Kids: Expanding Your Digital Horizons

Welcome, young coders! At, we're all about diving into the exciting world of JavaScript, creating cool projects, and unleashing your creativity through code.

Illustrated JavaScript for the whole family

Before we dive into the presentation of other books, let's introduce you to an outstanding illustrated book for learning JavaScript. This book serves as a companion to the website, allowing all projects and exercises from the book to be practiced directly here on

As of now, only the electronic edition is available. You can obtain it here:

Discover the World of Coding Books

While we adore JavaScript and the endless possibilities it offers on platforms like, we also encourage you to reach out and explore other coding languages and concepts.

From Python and Scratch to HTML and beyond, coding books introduce you to a variety of languages, expanding your toolkit as a young programmer.

Our Top Picks

Here are some fantastic coding books that cater to young minds eager to explore the vast world of programming:

The nature of code by Daniel Shiffman

Make games with Python by Raspberry Pi foundation

Mission Python by Sean McManus

Coding Projects in Python from DK

Coding Games in Python

Hello Swift by Tanmay Bakshi

JavaScript for kids by Nick Morgan

Code the Classics by Raspberry Pi foundation

Coding iPhone apps for kids

Teach your kids to code by Bryson Payne

Code for Teens by Jeremy Moritz

Math adventures with Python by Peter Farrell

Learn to program with Small BASIC

Coding games in Scratch from DK

Get Coding!

Hello World! by Warren and Carter Sande

How to Code 2.0

How to Code in 10 easy lessons

How to code by Max Wainewright

Code your own Games by Max Wainewright

Invent your own computer games with Python by Al Sweigart

So, you want to be a coder?

Python for kids by Jason Briggs

Python: Building BIG Apps by Chris Roffey

I'm a JavaScript Game Maker by Max Wainewright

Learn to code: Coding & Animation

A World of Possibilities

Remember, each book opens up a new world of possibilities. Whether you're flipping through pages or typing away at, every step you take on your coding journey is leading you towards becoming a more skilled and confident coder.

Happy coding and happy reading!

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CodeGuppy is a FREE coding platform for schools and intependent learners. If you don't have yet an account with, you can start by visiting the registration page and sign-up for a free account. Registered users can access tons of fun projects!

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